I’m so excited to work with you!

work with me:

my specialty:

  • non restrictive approach using both science + holistic health practices

  • metabolism health, energy support, sustainable fat burn + blood sugar control

  • helping you let go of food fear & find a positive relationship with food

are you…

  1. tired of restricting + trying every fad diet out there only to gain the weight back just as quick?

    (imagine if you never had to diet again + you finally feel confident in your favourite jeans)

  2. tired of spending hundreds of dollars on weight loss products that don’t work?

    (imagine if you never had to buy these products again + you had extra money to do the things you love)

  3. tired of feeling low energy, low mood & high stress?

    (imagine if you had steady energy throughout the day to hang out with friends after work, play with your kids or consistently exercise)

  4. tired of always feeling hungry and out of control around food?

    (imagine if you felt satisfied after each meal & snack + allowed yourself to have your favourite treats in the house without issue)

  5. tired of constantly working out and seeing zero results?

    (imagine if you actually seen the results you deserve from your workout plan)

  6. tired of feeling confused & frustrated with all of the misinformation out there regarding nutrition?

    (imagine if you had all the resources & accurate information to achieve the results you’re looking for + had consistent daily support)

CURRENTLY ON MATERNITY LEAVE - taking on new clients SPRING 2024

questions before getting started? message me!